Kellyville Bushrangers Junior Rugby League
Registration Process:
The Process to register for the Kellyville Bushrangers in season 2024 couldn't be easier!
IMPORTANT: If you wish to utilise your NSW Government Active Kids Voucher for Season 2024, you will not be able to claim your voucher until after January 1st, 2024, unless you have a unused voucher from 2023 that has not yet been used.
To Register for the NSW Government Active Kids Voucher, you will need to go here:

Once you have collected your Active Kids Voucher, you will need to register with the Bushrangers.
IMPORTANT: BUT! Before we can do anything, ALL players and volunteers will require to create an NRL Account. This process takes less than 2 minutes!
1. Go to
2. Click Sign Up
3. Complete required fields
4. Check your inbox/junk box for the verification link
HARDSHIP: If you are unable to pay your registration fee straight away due to hardship, please contact the Club Treasurer via email ([email protected]) to discuss a confidential payment arrangement (Please note the Executive committee – President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer will be the only people made aware of the arrangement).
The Committee of the Kellyville Bushrangers JRLFC respectfully request that all arrangements be made so that the full payment is entirely received prior to Round 1 if at all possible.
Once you have completed Steps 1 and 2 above you are ready to register to become a Bushranger for 2024.
IMPORTANT: Click the button below and using your NRL login and password access your NRL account, from there select Kellyville Bushrangers as your club and complete the registration.
PLEASE NOTE: As part of completing your registration you will be asked to input sizes for your Bushrangers playing gear, please have your sizes ready.